Active Learning Tutorials for Astronomy & the Planetary Sciences (ALTs)
Building on discipline-based astronomy education research on how people learn, each of the 60 included ACTIVE LEARNING TUTORIALs—or ALTs for short—takes into account and targets common misconceptions students have about astronomy and space science. Astronomy is the study of the entire universe after all, and novice learners need guidance on how to make sense of it all. These ALTs support students’ thinking by providing the supportive cognitive frameworks they need to most effectively wrestle with new ideas while helping students keep from getting overwhelmed. Each ALT is short, requiring only 5-7 minutes of time, and focusing on a single aspect of an overarching idea. At the same time, these ALTs rely heavily on illustrations and are written to be effective with students who haven’t yet become strong textbook readers and those who may not yet be completely fluent in English as their first language. In order for students to “think,” they first have to know something.
These ALTs are not designed to be used in the absence of lecture or reading; rather, they are best used as a supplement to your teaching. They provide students with extended experiences and engagement in astronomy so that they can deepen their understanding and retain the ideas longer When used in a supportive learning environment, these ALTs will help the widest possible diversity of students learn astronomy. Most instructors use the ALTs during class time to break up their lecture by asking students to come to consensus answers while working in small learning groups.
These materials (ISBN: 1721633510) are currently available to download for FREE (no cost) AT THIS LINK for you to try them out with your students.
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